Connie Miroslaw
Graduate Institution: Claremont School of Theology
Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona
Connie Miroslaw Graduate Scholar

Connie Miroslaw is a dedicated second-year student at Claremont School of Theology, pursuing her Master of Divinity Degree. Hailing from Phoenix, AZ, she thrives in a diverse and multicultural atmosphere. Guided by her faith journey, she discovered her “new” calling in an inclusive, progressive Christian church, where she leads as the Music Ministry leader. This transformative experience has opened new doors and solidified her academic path. Advocating for marginalized groups and addressing systemic injustices are central to her role as a servant leader. Committed to utilizing her education, Connie seeks to effect positive change locally and globally.

Connie envisions herself as a future pastoral leader, dedicated to nurturing communities with love, compassion, and justice. She aims to lead congregations toward spiritual growth and societal change, prioritizing inclusivity and equality. Throughout her seminary studies, Connie dedicates herself to deepening her theological understanding and refining her pastoral skills to address various current issues. Motivated by her faith and vision, she seeks to make a meaningful impact. During her church internship, Connie assumed the role of Musicology Leader for the Arizona chapter of the National Poor People’s Campaign, inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s call for a "revolution of values." This movement unites diverse individuals in peaceful efforts to address systemic injustices. Connie's enthusiasm for such initiatives reflects her desire to cultivate a more unified, inclusive, and collaborative world.

Outside her academic studies, Connie volunteers at her church, finds joy in music, hiking, and traveling, and cherishes walks with her loyal collie, Abbey.